BDA Testing, BDA Inspections and Coverage Surveys

Certify that your buildings are up to code and outfitted with critical life-saving technology.

At Triple C Communications, our team of experts is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable building data analysis tests. Our comprehensive process includes an initial assessment and detailed building coverage inspection, ensuring that no aspect of code compliance is overlooked. By utilizing advanced tools and adhering to industry standards, we are able to pinpoint areas in need of improvement and offer valuable insights to help you meet local codes. You can trust us to guide you in achieving system requirements while upholding the highest standards of safety and quality. Experience the Triple C Communications difference today.

BDA System Testing Process

Site assessment and consultation
Our experienced technicians will visit your site to assess your existing infrastructure, identify coverage gaps, and consult with you on your specific needs and requirements. We provide you with a customized report that addresses your coverage analysis.

System design and planning
If your system fails, our team of engineers can design a system design that brings you up to code. We use the latest software and modeling tools to ensure that the design is optimized for your building’s layout and construction materials.

Equipment selection and procurement
We work with top-tier equipment vendors to select the most suitable equipment for your amplifier system installation. Our selection factors in cost, compatibility, and reliability to ensure that your system is equipped with the best components.

Installation and integration
Our certified technicians install and integrate the system into your building’s infrastructure. We follow industry-standard installation practices and ensure that the system is fully integrated with your existing communication infrastructure.

Testing and commissioning
We perform thorough testing and commissioning to ensure that the system is fully operational and meets all applicable regulations and codes. We conduct testing in various locations within your building to ensure complete coverage.

Maintenance and support
Our ongoing maintenance and support services ensure that your system continues to function optimally. Our services include regular system inspections, software updates, and emergency repair services. We are committed to providing our customers with reliable and efficient communication systems.

Building Owner Responsibilities

Building owners are responsible for service and maintenance of the BDA system. This includes annual inspections as well as re-certifications of the coverage every 5 years. BDA maintenance and annual inspections are important to ensure the coverage has not degraded and to ensure compliance with FCC rules and regulations. Building owners are also responsible for system updates such as frequency changes as required by the fire department.


TapHere!® PinPoint v1.0

BDA Testing Solutions

Triple C Communications has teamed us TapHere! Technology LLC to bring you testing solution. This device and software, “SABR with PinPoint” will reduce the process of testing public safety in-building radio signal levels for your BDA/DAS business. Measure, map, and report signal quality accurately & efficiently!

Let Triple C help you with your communications needs.